- The ease of communication is surely one reason .
- 方便的交流肯定是其中一个原因。
- The iphone has set new standards in design and ease of use .
- 在设计和使用的方便度方面iphone被设定了新的标准。
- But ease of use makes an enormous difference .
- 但是在易用性上具有巨大的差异。
- Smaller cities in the interior would grow in importance as ease of movement allows for longer journeys between them and jobs in larger centers .
- 内陆的小型城市重要性可能会增加,因为长途旅行时间的缩短可以允许在大型中心城市工作的人更容易的来回往返。
- Globalisation depends on ease of travel .
- 全球化取决于旅行的便利。
- For first-time mothers judging the ease of birth is particularly tricky .
- 对第一次当妈妈的人来说,判断生产的轻松尤为棘手。
- What they really want is location and ease of construction which versailles offers .
- 他们真正看重的是好位置和便于施工的特点,这两点凡尔赛宫都具备了。
- The world bank 's annual survey of ease of doing business ranks russia 120th in the world .
- 世界银行的调查显示,在易于从事商业的国家中,俄罗斯位居第120位。
- But they want the ease of digital technology .
- 但他们同时又想要数字技术的便捷。
- A lot more flexibility more control and ease of use .
- 更多的灵活性、更多的控制性以及简单的使用性。